Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Limiting Beliefs

A belief is nothing more that a thought that we continually think about. It becomes comfortable. We feel that it is the truth. The problem is that many of our beliefs are limiting. We constantly tell ourselves that we can't do this or we can't do that. Who says so? We say so. And because we tell ourselves over and over, we begin to believe that it is true.

Start to pay attention and notice when a limiting thought shows up in your head. Ask yourself, "What if the opposite were true?" Picture yourself in your mind's eye doing what your thought told you that you can't do. Wow, maybe I can get my degree, or, maybe I can look for a more fulfilling job, or, maybe I can lose those pounds, or, maybe I can read a book every month. Start living up to your untapped potential.

We can change our beliefs. Imagine your life if you got rid of even one limiting belief. What are you waiting for? Simple Happiness is waiting just around that limiting belief.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is so TRUE and what a great idea to give to the world as a New Year's resolution thought.