Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Accountability For Your Happiness

This morning, as I do every Tuesday morning, I went to the DWI Alternative Facility in Yaphank, NY, to teach my class in personal development to the men there. This morning’s topic was the eight characteristics of happy people. The men, as usual, were attentive and engaged. We spent the most time on the second characteristic, accountability. That is, happy people realize that they are responsible for their own happiness. They don’t play the blame game: no blaming divorced parents, birth order or alcoholism or anything else for that matter.

Happy people say, “I am the person I am standing here today as a result of every choice that I’ve ever made in my life.” Now, as scary as that thought is, if you can buy into that concept, it can be just as empowering. If my choices are what make my life what it is, all I have to do is start making different choices. This only can happen with much introspection.

Helen Keller said it best, Self pity is our worst enemy. If we yield to it we can never do anything wise in this world.” Sure, we all feel sorry for ourselves from time to time. Now is the time to start paying attention to our thoughts, especially the dis-empowering ones. Now is the time to stop hanging on to thoughts of self pity as we realize that self pity gets us nowhere. The next time you notice yourself feeling sorry for yourself, let go of that thought and replace it with a thought of gratitude. Be accountable. Taking responsibility for your own well being is a major step on your way to a life of Simple Happiness.

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