Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Is Science Wrong Again?

Pretty much everything we've ever thought was scientifically true has been eventually proven false.
1. The sun revolves around the earth
2. The world is flat
3. Bleeding the patient cures him
4. Eggs are bad for you
5. Nuclear physics

It's just a matter of time until science catches up with some new discovery which supercedes past truisms. It's not that science is wrong, it's just that man's understanding of the universe continues to develop and evolve.

I've been telling my audiences that "psychological studies show" that about 50% of our happiness quotient is based on our genetic make-up; about 10% of our happiness quotient is derived from our life situation; and the remaining 40% is up to us, that is, what do we decide to do the the other 60%.

In his new book, Excuses, Begone!, Wayne Dyer contends that we can override our genetic make-up by changing our beliefs. What an exciting idea! Outer space is still on the frontier of scientific exploration, but close on its heels is the study of the mind and human potential. You'll see.
What will the world look like as more and more of us tap into our limitless potential for good?

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