Knowing what you want out of life is certainly a key component to live the life of your dreams. Take out a piece of paper and write the date on the top of the page. We are embarking on a goal setting exercise. Across the top of the paper make three columns using the headings listed below.
1. Personal Goals
2. Material and Fun Goals
3. Financial Goals
Let your imagination soar. Write down what you would like out of life. What would you love to do, be or have? Where would you love to travel? What interest would you love to pursue? How much money would you love to have? Dream big!!! Don't let that little voice in the back of your head discourage you. Don't listen to the "That's impossible" or "I'll never be able to achieve that". Give yourself about 10 minutes; keep writing things down. Take more time if your imagination is expansive.
By now you might be nodding your head and beginning to smile....good.
Before you begin I want you to read this quote that is attributed to either Marianne Williamson or Nelson Mandela. Make sure you are sitting down. This is my favorite quote of all time.
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightening about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone! And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
Read that quote again.
Now you can begin to write down your goals.
Come back again for more on goal setting.
Jim Ryan Talks
Motivational Programs
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Live the Life of Your Dreams ll
In order to live the life of your dreams, first you must know what the life of your dreams is. In my seminar we use two activities to help uncover what we really want out of life.
The first is the "wake exercise". Picture yourself at your own wake. Now, we're not intending to be morbid with this exercise, so just follow along. Please have a piece of paper handy and put the date on the top of the page. Then I want you to think of what you want people at your wake to say about you. How do you want to be remembered? What do you want your legacy to be? Simply write, "she was......... " or "he was a.........". Fill in each sentence with an adjective or a noun describing yourself. Put down as many sentences as you like.
After you've let your creative juices flow for a few minutes go back an pick out the one or two or three descriptions that really grab you. Picture the events of your life that would prompt others to say these things about you. Create a clear picture in your mind of yourself involved in these activities. As you enjoy the picture of your perfect life notice how good you feel as you experience your success in your mind. Savor the emotion, linger on the good feelings. Make the focus on your legacy a part of every day. Bring it to mind several times during the day; maybe as you start your car to go to work you could bring it to mind; or perhaps as you take the first bite of your lunch. Try to pair your legacy thoughts with a daily activity so you get into the habit of picturing your success in an important aspect of your life several times every day. I trust that you'll see your life go in the direction of what makes you feel like you're getting somewhere - that your life is worthwhile.
I want to leave you with a quote that I got from one of Wayne Dyer's books. It is a quote from Patanjali who lived in India around 100-300 BC. He said, "When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds; your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world. Dormant forces and talents become alive and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be."
Start today to live the life of your dreams.
The first is the "wake exercise". Picture yourself at your own wake. Now, we're not intending to be morbid with this exercise, so just follow along. Please have a piece of paper handy and put the date on the top of the page. Then I want you to think of what you want people at your wake to say about you. How do you want to be remembered? What do you want your legacy to be? Simply write, "she was......... " or "he was a.........". Fill in each sentence with an adjective or a noun describing yourself. Put down as many sentences as you like.
After you've let your creative juices flow for a few minutes go back an pick out the one or two or three descriptions that really grab you. Picture the events of your life that would prompt others to say these things about you. Create a clear picture in your mind of yourself involved in these activities. As you enjoy the picture of your perfect life notice how good you feel as you experience your success in your mind. Savor the emotion, linger on the good feelings. Make the focus on your legacy a part of every day. Bring it to mind several times during the day; maybe as you start your car to go to work you could bring it to mind; or perhaps as you take the first bite of your lunch. Try to pair your legacy thoughts with a daily activity so you get into the habit of picturing your success in an important aspect of your life several times every day. I trust that you'll see your life go in the direction of what makes you feel like you're getting somewhere - that your life is worthwhile.
I want to leave you with a quote that I got from one of Wayne Dyer's books. It is a quote from Patanjali who lived in India around 100-300 BC. He said, "When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds; your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world. Dormant forces and talents become alive and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be."
Start today to live the life of your dreams.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Live the Life of Your Dreams
That was the title of the talk I gave last evening to a small but energetic group of women who braved an untimely thunderstorm to attend my talk sponsored by the Women's Services Dept. of the Town of Brookhaven. How do we define the "Life of our Dreams"? To me it's a life with little or no stress accompanied by complete joy and fulfillment. We started off with the little or no stress part.
In order for something to change in your life, YOU HAVE TO CHANGE SOMETHING IN YOUR LIFE!!
It starts with INTENTION. We have to consciously intend to have a life of joy. We either fashion our own lives or we live by default. Tomorrow, as soon as you wake up pay attention to what thoughts occupy your mind. Don't be critical, just observe. Does you mind start racing, stressing out over all you have to do that day? That's what happens to many of us. Unfortunately, too often things go downhill from there.
Tomorrow, after you observe what's going on in your head as soon as you wake up, try something a little different. Try just lying there in bed for one minute being grateful for the gift of living another day. Be grateful for the gift of Life. Then as you throw your legs over the side of the bed and stand up, appreciate your ability to get out of bed by yourself. As you walk down to the bathroom appreciate the fact that your have indoor plumbing (consider how many folks in this world don't have indoor plumbing). Notice how good you feel while bringing to mind these thoughts of appreciation.
It doesn't take that much to make this small turn in consciousness each morning. Before you know it, with daily practice, you will have developed the habit of giving thanks as soon as you wake up. It's a big step in beginning to live a life with little or no stress. You'll feel good just appreciating these, too often taken for granted, mundane aspects of life. But even more, you'll feel better yet realizing that you have CHOSEN a course of action that made you feel good. You will have begun to fashion your life the way you want to be.
Read more about a no stress life in my book, "Simple Happiness, 52 Easy Ways to Lighten Up"
In order for something to change in your life, YOU HAVE TO CHANGE SOMETHING IN YOUR LIFE!!
It starts with INTENTION. We have to consciously intend to have a life of joy. We either fashion our own lives or we live by default. Tomorrow, as soon as you wake up pay attention to what thoughts occupy your mind. Don't be critical, just observe. Does you mind start racing, stressing out over all you have to do that day? That's what happens to many of us. Unfortunately, too often things go downhill from there.
Tomorrow, after you observe what's going on in your head as soon as you wake up, try something a little different. Try just lying there in bed for one minute being grateful for the gift of living another day. Be grateful for the gift of Life. Then as you throw your legs over the side of the bed and stand up, appreciate your ability to get out of bed by yourself. As you walk down to the bathroom appreciate the fact that your have indoor plumbing (consider how many folks in this world don't have indoor plumbing). Notice how good you feel while bringing to mind these thoughts of appreciation.
It doesn't take that much to make this small turn in consciousness each morning. Before you know it, with daily practice, you will have developed the habit of giving thanks as soon as you wake up. It's a big step in beginning to live a life with little or no stress. You'll feel good just appreciating these, too often taken for granted, mundane aspects of life. But even more, you'll feel better yet realizing that you have CHOSEN a course of action that made you feel good. You will have begun to fashion your life the way you want to be.
Read more about a no stress life in my book, "Simple Happiness, 52 Easy Ways to Lighten Up"
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Eyes Opening
This morning I had the opportunity to speak at the Smithtown Sunrise Rotary Club at their breakfast meeting. I am also a Rotarian, a member of the Northport, NY Club. I was to speak about my new book, "Simple Happiness, 52 Easy Ways to Lighten Up". I speak to all kinds of groups, but they can usually be broken down into two kinds: one - whose attendees came specifically to hear me speak and two - those who are at the meeting because they are part of a group, not necessarily to hear me; I just happen to be the speaker.
Today was the second kind of group.
It's such a thrill when people's attention becomes more focused on what I'm saying. People turn their chairs to get a more comfortable viewing point. But it's the eyes that tell the story. Little by little I see many pairs of eyes opening wide as if to say "You're getting to me. I'm going to try that tomorrow."
After 20 minutes or so of talking I could feel the group becoming empowered about their ability to choose a life of happiness and joy instead of living life by default. The simple idea of embracing the precious gift of life as we open our eyes to start our day. Being grateful for the ability to get out of bed under our own power rather than taking it for granted. Little turns in consciousness, little decisions to choose thoughts that make us feel good. Today I choose to fashion my life rather than to live by default. Today I choose to make myself a little happier, a little less disturbable.
Today was the second kind of group.
It's such a thrill when people's attention becomes more focused on what I'm saying. People turn their chairs to get a more comfortable viewing point. But it's the eyes that tell the story. Little by little I see many pairs of eyes opening wide as if to say "You're getting to me. I'm going to try that tomorrow."
After 20 minutes or so of talking I could feel the group becoming empowered about their ability to choose a life of happiness and joy instead of living life by default. The simple idea of embracing the precious gift of life as we open our eyes to start our day. Being grateful for the ability to get out of bed under our own power rather than taking it for granted. Little turns in consciousness, little decisions to choose thoughts that make us feel good. Today I choose to fashion my life rather than to live by default. Today I choose to make myself a little happier, a little less disturbable.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
What good can I bring someone today?
As I embark into the world of blogging, this is how I begin as I do each day upon awakening. I ask: "What good can I bring someone today?" It will certainly be an adventure to see what good comes my way as I spend a few minutes each day sharing my Simple Happiness thoughts to all who find interest.
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