Sunday, November 30, 2008

Just Ask

Many of us are afraid to ask anybody for anything. Who knows why. Maybe people will think less of you. Maybe the person asked will say "no". Maybe the person will say "yes" and then you'll be indebted to him. Maybe you think you should be able to figure out things for yourself.
It's been my experience that people like to be asked. Most of the time being asked is a compliment. Most people are very willing to be of help. Sometimes the person you ask can't help but is very willing to direct you to a person who is in a better position to help you.
You have nothing to lose by asking. If the person asked can't or won't help, you're in the same position you were in before you asked. In the New Testament it says, "Seek and you shall find; knock and the door will be opened; ask and it shall be given..."
What more advice do you need? Seek what you want, knock on doors to get it and ask, ask, ask.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Daily Dose of Inspiration

I try to spend some quiet time every morning. Often I will meditate. Often I will read some inspirational material. Today I picked up The Success Principles by Jack Canfield. What a great book it is. It covers so many aspects of success. It's just full of ideas, stories and practical stuff.
This morning I opened up the book to the chapter dealing with fear. The section I turned to was about Dr. John Demartini, a chiropractor who appeared in the movie The Secret. It simply talked about the confidence he had in his abilities and how setting aside his fears allowed him to live a fabulous life - a life we would all love to live. It was a real kick in the pants for me. It inspired me to take action, to make the calls necessary for me to stay on track toward my perfect life. I had a very good day today. I know that in part it was due to my reading that inspirational story this morning.
We all need inspiration. We need to be sure we take our daily dose to make the most of our days. Be sure to take yours tomorrow.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Do Something Today

Today is Sunday, typically a day to slow down a bit. Today is a good day to focus on being a better husband/wife, a better father/mother, a better brother/sister, a better son/daughter, a better neighbor, a better friend.
Pick one of those categories that you fall into and do something today that will make you feel good. Maybe it's a phone call, maybe it's some big hugs, maybe it's a compliment.
Do something today.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Enjoy Creation

A friend of mine who is a religious brother (a monk) sent me a homemade Christmas card several years ago. In it he wrote that God is going to ask us a few questions before we are allowed to enter Heaven. One of those questions will be, "How did you enjoy my creation?"
How will you answer that question?
Take time every day to take it all in: the wind and cold (like today), the rain, the thunder and lightening, the stars, the moon, the sun rising and setting every day, Spring following Winter, rivers running, birds singing, dogs sniffing, mountains' majesty. I could go on and on and on and on and on....
Enjoying the beauty and order of the universe can bring balance to your life. Give up your sophisticated attitude and experience nature through the innocent eyes of a child. Be childlike in your awe of nature. When your time comes to be asked this question by God, be prepared to give a great, heartfelt answer.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

What a Humbling, Awesome Feeling

I've been teaching a weekly course in Personal Development in the Suffolk County, NY jail system for almost nine years now. The rewards I've received far outweigh the work and time I have put in there. Two days ago, one of the inmates who was to be discharged later that day came to me at the end of the class and shook my hand and thanked me for opening up his mind and heart to his spiritual side. I stood there in awe of how blessed I am to have the opportunity to touch the lives of the men in my class.
A month ago, my wife and I were attending a local town's annual festival on a Sunday afternoon and as we got out of the car a man came running up calling my name. It was a fellow who had been in my class at the jail four years ago. He proceeded to gush on and on, beaming about how his life had changed since his incarceration. He gave me much of the credit for inspiring him to make a new life for himself. He was sober and drug free. He had reconciled with his parents who had disowned him. He had begun again to be the husband and father he had always wanted to be. Again, I stood there in awe, giving thanks that I had made that first drive out to the jail nine years ago. I had no idea what I was getting myself into at the time but I wouldn't trade a minute of it. It's like no other feeling you could experience. I'm sure that these moments are but glimpses of what Heaven is like. Ah, Heaven on Earth.
It's there for everyone.

Monday, November 17, 2008

"What is" or "What Could be"

Your life becomes a manifestation of what you think about all day long. Why do you waste time thinking about how bad things are? What does that accomplish? It simply puts you in a negative frame of mind, you feel lousy, your energy level drops and your life stays the same or gets worse.
The next time you notice yourself hanging on to the thought of "the way things are" stop yourself by saying "oops, there I go again" and move on to thinking about "the way things could be". Your frame of mind will improve, you'll feel better, your energy level will pick up. The more often you catch yourself and pivot to "the way things could be," the better your life will become.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Touch Lives

Make it a point everyday to touch someone's life. Send an email to an old friend; call a relative and let him know you've been thinking him; make a kind comment to the store clerk; say hi to a person passing you on the street. Take advantage of the many opportunities that present themselves to us every day to show simple kindness to your fellow man. By lifting up someone else's life you can't help but lift up your own.