Wednesday, August 20, 2008

My own "Aha Moment"

Every once in a while things become clear. Every once in a while we have an instant awakening, in Japanese, Satori. This morning while reading from Esther and Jerry Hicks' latest book, Money and the Law of Attraction, it happened to me. I came to a deeper understanding of what the Law of Attraction is all about. God, Source, the Universe wants all good things for us - health, love, abundance, a joyful life. It is up to us to understand who we really are. We are truly children of God. We posess a Divine essense. We are Divine beings in human form. As we begin to really understand this, not only intelectually but viscerally, we can start to really move in the direction of a life that is abundant in every way. I had a feeling of calm and peace about me but at the same time a feeling of excitement and anticipation about what my life is becoming. To be in that state of calm and excitement at the same time is how I want to live my life. I intend to be in that state as often as I can be.

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