Thursday, January 28, 2010

What a Great Book!

A friend recommended two books to me: The Four Hour Work Week, by Tim Ferris and The Magic of Thinking Big, by Howard Schwartz (I think his name is Howard). I started The Four Hour Work Week and it has been worth every minute of time spend with it. This morning I was reading a section about automating a business. I was so excited I thought my hair would catch on fire.

He got me fired up again about the potential of the internet. I have so much content to share with the world. I'm about to venture into the world of YouTube and Facebook. I just bought a new flip camera and am going to start adding video to my already popular "Aha Moments". Who knows where this will go, but I sure feel good about the possibilities. Stay tuned and see what develops.

In any case, pick up The Four Hour Work Week. It will get you thinking differently about a lot of things.

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