Monday, March 28, 2011

Spring is Here

Spring officially arrived a week or so ago, but around here it still feels like winter. Don't fret! Take a good look around. Notice the rebirth of all those frozen, seemingly dead plants. Some still seem dead but there are signs of life. Check out new growth of those early spring bloomers: crocuses, daffadils and hyacinths. They're peeking through, some are even starting to bloom, despite the cold. Check out the lilac bushes. New growth is showing. You can even see which buds will turn into leaves and which ones will turn into those beautiful, fragrant flowers which, when cut and brought inside, provide a natural air freshener. That perfumed air forces you to inhale deeply and enjoy the return of another spring.
The return of spring is evidence of the perfect order of the Universe, inspiring us to realize how effortlessly good things can unfold if we but let them.
Don't let a day go by this spring without taking it all in. Pay attention as you go about your daily routine. Be in awe of this wonderful time of year.

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