Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Challenge

Today I was challenged by the phone company to maintain my God-Consciousness and my Simple Happiness mindset. Most of the time I did OK. I was called on to not take things too seriously and try to be in the moment. That's what we need to do when feeling the urge to lash out in frustration at the person at the other end of the phone. "Breathe, Jim, breathe" I said to myself. In the grand scheme of things is this really worth getting upset about. Will it really matter a year from now.

Practicing meditation and mindfulness when things are going well gives us the edge and experience to draw upon when we are squeezed. What's inside us comes out. It was a good practice and lesson for me today. I passed, not with flying colors, but with a better grade than I would have received a couple of years ago.

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