Monday, April 25, 2011

A Happy Easter

I spent Easter Sunday with my son, Lou, his wife, Colleen and their baby girl, Ella. The entire day was a total delight. It started with an early morning drive from Long Island to MA. Then, spending time with my son and his family. What a good son his is, as are my other son and my daughter. I am indeed blessed to have such fabulous kids. They are bright, talented, articulate, successful and loving. I could not ask for more.
My son, Lou and his family live on a beautiful street inhabited by it seems family after family with young kids. Their tradition is to have an Easter Egg Hunt on Easter morning at about ll:30. The whole block participated, parents providing and hiding colorful plastic eggs filled with goodies and kids waiting patiently inside until the appointed hour when the hunt began.
It was an opportunity for my son and his wife to meet many of theie new neighbors, havng been shut in most of the cold, stormy winter with their infant. The whole event was a warm, friendly experience. It was such an example of what can happen in a community when a few folks take the initiative to make something good happen. So often we wait for the other guy to get the thing started.
Photos were taken, dogs petted, mimosa's drunk (in moderation) eggs found and a great spirit of community was experienced by the whole block. What a nice place to live.
I think I'll organize a party for my neighbors real soon.

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