Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Positive Energy

We all have things that bring us down from time to time. Sometimes they are real concerns, ie. children, finances, health, employment to name a few. In today's world there is certainly enough bad news to latch on to. Sometimes the worries can be vague, and sometimes they can be concrete. These issues can really sap the energy from our psyche and slow down our momentum.

What's the answer? One answer for sure is to have a positive friend to turn to. A friend who views you and the world in a bright, positive light, one who reminds you that these circumstances are just that, circumstances. They are not the essence of your life, they are not the essence of who you really are. It's great to have a person to lift you up, to help get you back on track. It's a blessing to have a friend who can spark your energy and light your fire again.

One final thought... As great as it is to have a friend you can turn to in time of low energy...it's just as great to BE that kind of friend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And that's what makes you such an awesome "coach"! Thanks for being a positve friend, too!

Your positive light helped me bring the light right back to you!

The possibilites are endless!