Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Argue for Your Limitations and They Are Yours

Listen to your self talk. Pay attention to what thoughts you think about yourself. Many of you spend a lot of time telling yourselves reasons why you shouldn't try this or do that. You tell yourself that you want something but then go ahead and figure out why you can't get it or do it or be it. You stop yourself before you even get started. Listen to the excuses you make up: it's too hard, I'm too old, I don't have the proper training and on and on and on.
When you notice yourself focusing on your limitations, say to yourself, "Oops, there I go again". That's the time to tell yourself a different story . Stop resisting. Stop saying why you can't. Start thinking how worthy you are to have what you want. Start thinking about who you really are. You were put on this earth to be a joyfull, fulfilled, loving person. You were put here to develop your talents, whatever they are. You were put here to be the best you you can be and have fun being your best.
Start spending time every day picturing your perfect life. Feel how good it feels picturing your success. Feel the empowerment deep inside when you stop focusing on what might go wrong. Who cares what someone else might say. This is your life. Be the one who inspires others. Start today. Release the resistance and start having fun.

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